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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

John Brennan's Polysemous Jihad

This post has moved. Read it here.


  1. Well said Mark. If you are concerned enough to read this please take the time to read Mark's book "The Third Choice" and pass it on to someone else.

  2. The Qur'an itself has plenty of references to Jihad meaning to go forth and (non-defensively) kill the non-moslems; why didn't you reference any of them?!

    They all clearly refer to war, arming troops, conquest etc, and are qualified by such passages as those exempting the sick, old and blind from the obligation - health, youth and the ability to see are hardly requirements for "peaceful inner struggles" now, are they?!


  3. PS: the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is simple: the terrorist attacks innocent others first, in order to make them submit to his demands; terrorism is a tactic (aka duress, coercion, extortion) used by criminals everywhere.

    Contrast this with the freedom fighter, who attacks criminals (including terrorists) second, in defense of their self and os innocent others.



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