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Monday, August 30, 2010

Set My People Free - Anti Apostasy Law Rally in Martin Place, Sydney

At noon, on Saturday August 28, 2010, a crowd of a few hundred people gathered at Martin Place, in Sydney, to protest against Islam's apostasy law.  This law, based upon the example of Muhammad and the teachings of the Qur'an, declares that a man who leaves Islam should be killed.  For female apostates Islam's legal schools differ:  some say the penalty is death, while others stipulate confinement of the apostate for as long as they live, or until they revert to Islam. 

I was one of the speakers, and my speech has been broadcast in a two-part YouTube video.
Part 1 (also here):

and Part 2 (also here):

Richard Fernandez was one of those present in the crowd, and has blogged on the event in his post entitled The Age of Apostasy.

See also my blog post on Islamic apostasy fatwas, which was posted to my Common Word Blog in February 2008.